katz laszlo
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As a member of Collectief Walden, I make theater about climate change, and the way humans interact with our fellow species.


For Over Het Ij Festival, we produced an immersive audio-experience, EILAND, about the future of Amsterdam over the next 250 years.

We know we live underwater, have known it all our lives - but do we ever seriously think about Amsterdam as temporary? The current dyke system could hold out for another 40 centimetres of sealevel rise. The most recent IPCC report estimates a sealevel rise of 8-13 metres over the next 3 centuries. But, if Amsterdam is to go underwater, how would that go? Would we leave all at once - or gradually? Who would be the last to leave? Where would we get our food from? Would all 15 million of us, currently living on the land we expect to lose, all spread out? Or would we stick together, speak Dutch to our children? Would Germany take us in? 

ROLE: Co-writer, co-dramaturg, voice coach & audio producer
